Adjimot Ashogbon, a Nigerian Muslim, has advised business mogul Aliko Dangote on catering more for the poor Muslims in the country.Ashogbon in this piece believes that, if Dangote takes over 500,000 poor Muslims out of the streets as his Zakat, the battered image of Islam in Nigeria might be salvaged.Dear Sir,It is with great humility that I sent this letter to you. I am not sure it will get to you though, but I'm hoping and relying on the power of social media share button that, perhaps, it will.If however, you receive this letter, please note that I desire nothing personal, but the pleasureof Allah over you and well being of the Muslims at large.Sir, you know very sure that you have been greatly favoured by Allah among the entire black race in Africa and elsewhere, even among men of other colours, as no name makes echo than yours across Africa.Your business is progressing and expanding on a daily basis and no household, at least, no one here in Nigeria, can do without your product. Even when our nation is experiencing economic crisis, your business and wealth continues to grow without limit. Such is the favour of Allah over you.Sir, my greatest concern is about your Zakat, the fourth pillar of Islam, binding upon you as aMuslim.Sir, my greatest concern is about your Zakat, the fourth pillar of Islam, binding upon you as aMuslim.
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